
Bee Pollen


                                     BEE POLLEN


What is bee pollen?

Bee pollen is a ball or pellet of field-gathered flower pollen packed by worker honeybees, and used as the primary food source for the hive. It consists of simple sugars, protein, minerals and vitamins, fatty acids, and a small percentage of other components. Pollen is stored inside the hive for later use.

Why do honey bees need pollen?

Just as in human diets, bees need a carbohydrate source and a protein source. For bees, carbs come from honey and/or sugar syrup. These carbs provide the energy needed for adults to conduct their day-to-day business such as foraging, house duties, and guarding the hive. 

Protein, on the other hand, comes from pollen and is consumed primarily by larvae with very little going to adult bees. Protein is so important that in the absence of sufficient pollen, brood production drops significantly, even coming to a complete halt in many cases. This dependence on a sufficient protein source is the driving force behind the idea of adding pollen patties to one’s hives.


How to use bee pollen?

Bee pollen has been used in alternative medicine as an aid to increase stamina and improve athletic ability.

Other uses not proven with research have included premenstrual syndrome, premature aging, hay fever, nosebleeds, joint pain, painful urination, prostate problems, stomach problems, and other conditions.

Bee pollen should not be used in place of medication prescribed for you by your doctor.

Where to buy bee Pollen?

We offer quality bee pollen at an affordable price that is sourced in the United States.



What are pollen patties?

Pollen patties are the most commonly explored supplements in today’s apiaries. They usually contain no pollen, but are designed to simulate real pollen. Instead of using regular pollen, most beekeepers use a pollen substitute when making pollen patties for their hives. This high protein substance is a mix of several compounds and will provide needed nutrition to the bees. They can be purchased ready-to-use, can be made at home from a purchased mix, or can be made at home from scratch using a variety of recipes.

The thing to understand about pollen or pollen substitute is that it is used to feed larvae. Eggs don’t eat, pupae don’t eat, and adults eat honey, but the larvae are dependent on a supply of nutritious, high-protein food that is provided by pollen.

The availability of pollen or bee pollen substitute to the colony increases the production of brood. Feeding pollen patties can be the difference between having a weak honey bee colony and one that is strong, healthy and ready to work.

It would be easier for the beekeeper to make or buy pollen substitute, but the task of collecting, drying and storing fresh pollen is very time consuming. Also, fresh pollen spoils easily – it can get moldy very quickly, that’s why bee patties are important.


How to make a pollen patty

It’s actually rather easy and you only need 3 ingredients for this recipe for pollen patties.

  • water
  • granulated cane sugar
  • pollen substitute for bees

A simple method of making pollen patties is to start with a dry pollen substitute. The brand does not matter as long as it is good quality.

Mix pollen substitute with a smaller quantity of cane sugar and add water. That’s it. You can adjust the ingredient amounts until you get the consistency you desire.

The pollen substitute patties range from soft and winter patties to boxes of patties, professional patties, and many other options. Each pollen patty has different features, and you can use it for hives of all sizes. We also offer bulk patties for those who have larger hives and would like long-lasting solutions. We make it simple to buy pollen patties that will help your hive and colony thrive in the long-term. Discover the difference in quality with our reliable pollen patties for bees and find the perfect addition to your hive.



When to Feed Pollen Patties?

Beekeepers commonly feed pollen patties during Winter. Late Winter into early Spring is the norm. This is the time of year when a colony is ramping up brood production.

How to Store Pollen Patties

Freezing is the best and recommended method of storage for pollen patties or dry pollen substitute.

Both types of pollen freeze and thaw easily and can be stored for months. Dry pollen should be stored in a tightly sealed bag and patties can be wrapped in wax paper or foil.

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